TARMAKBİR, AHK German-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with the Bavarian Ministry of Economy, Energy and Technology, will hold “Bilateral Business Meetings” in Izmir on 26 September 2023 within the technical trip program between 25-27 September 2023 with the focus of smart agriculture technologies. During the B2B event, organizers will match the participants with each other.
■Bavarian Ministry of Economy, Regional Development and Energy, www.stmwi.bayern.de
■ Embassy of Germany
■ The Technical University of Munich, www.tec.wzw.tum.de
■ Maschinenringe Deutschland GmbH (Association of Machine Rings, Common Machine Use), www.maschinenring.de
■ Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V. | Cluster Sensorik (Sensor Technology Cluster), https://www.sensorik-bayern.de/
■ Bayern Innovativ, https://www.bayern-innovativ.de/de
■ BayWa AG (Agricultural Services, Consulting), www.baywa.de
■ Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL) (Bavarian State Agricultural Institute), https://www.lfl.bayern.de/
■ STEP Systems GmbH (Agricultural Measuring Instruments), www.stepsystems.de
■ EUROS Embedded Systems GmbH (Embedded Systems), www.euros-embedded.com
■ OSB connagtive GmbH (ISOBUS, IoT), www.osb-connagtive.com
■ Bayern International, https://www.bayern-international.de/en/
For the time being, 18 high-level representatives from the following institutions and companies will take place in the meeting, and representatives of companies and institutions, academics, researchers and other industry stakeholders who wish to participate in the meeting in order to develop cooperation with institutions are requested to apply at tarmakbir@tarmakbir.org.